Wednesday, February 29, 2012

introducing the stella valle blog

hello everyone! ashley and i thought it was about time we give you a little bit more behind the scenes insight into us as designers and a closer look at our inspirations for stella valle accessories--so we started this blog to do just that! we will take you back over the past couple years and explore some of our experiences as soldiers, business women, and entrepreneurs, delving into numerous aspects of business we've encountered and tips and tricks on fashion. we will post daily exciting things that are taking place in our company, cool things we've found, and just about anything ashley and i think is interesting and you might like too! sit back and enjoy the ride.  love yours truly, ash & paige


  1. this is so awesome! Another great dimension to Stella Valle!! Looking forward to reading the blog and enjoying the ride xoo Krista

    1. looks amazing- i cannot wait to see the newest stella valle collections and the direction of the masterminds that create such unique pieces.
